Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tadpole Press Website Launch, Cover Art Decisions & More!

There are a lot of fun things I'm excited to share with you today, and for those of you who are visually oriented, today's post is extra delightful!  First up, I am thrilled to announce that my website for Tadpole Press has launched!  Check it out here -  Please click around, test the links, read the content, and leave me your feedback either below or send it to me directly.  I'd love to hear what you think, if you run into any weird issues, and especially if you come across any typos.  Since this is a platform for my editing business, typos are my dreaded enemy, so please quest them out so I can vanquish them!

If you want to hear about any upcoming special events, be sure to subscribe to my company mailing list.  Don't expect a lot of news from this list, though; I envision that it will be used pretty sparingly to offer special deals or announce when my books get published.

And if you know of anyone who is looking for an editor, please send them my way.   Our doors are open for business!

Second up, I am having so much fun working with my illustrator Penny Weber on the cover design for the book I'm writing.  I just got her second round of rough sketches and they are all so wonderful, I am kind of wishing I didn't have to make just one cover, because I'd love to see all of them!  But, eventually I will have to nail it down to just one design.  Which one is your favorite?

Sophie and Spot

Finally, how's the writing going, you ask?  It is still somewhat relegated to the back burner for the moment, though not entirely.  I woke up before 5:00 a.m. last week and since I couldn't fall back asleep, I decided to get up and write.  It felt so good to immerse myself in the story again!  I love when the words flow effortlessly, the characters deepen, and the plot moves forward in ways that feel like new worlds opening up around you.  It was fun.  And within about an hour, I had another 1,000 words written, breaking the 30,000 word barrier.  It was reinvigorating and I'm looking forward to the next big chunk of time when I get to sit down and write again.

Status:  30,435 words.  Reviewing first drafts of cover sketchesTadpole Press website published!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Introducing My Illustrator, Penny Weber!

Well, hello there, my dear blog readers!  It's been awhile.  I figured I'd better give you all an update on what I've been working on these past few weeks, lest you think I've forgotten you.

Not a lot of writing over the last few weeks.  I am still around 3/4 of the way done with my book.  But, I am happy to announce that I've hired an illustrator for the cover art.  Penny Weber will be creating the artwork for the cover.  You can check out her gallery to see her incredible work and you'll understand why I'm excited to partner with her for this project.

The other big thing I've been working on these past few weeks is creating a website for my editing business.  It has been a slow process, but because I want to get it up and running and start drumming up business, I've been replacing some of my writing time with this work instead.  And I'm excited to say that it's almost finished!  I'll let you all know when it's published and you can let me know what you think.

For anyone using new technology, I strongly encourage you to acquaint yourselves with the save feature.  I did not do this at first, and simply assumed that it automatically saved all of the changes I'd been making to my website over the past few hours.  It did not, as I discovered the next time I logged in and basically had to start over from scratch.  Lesson learned.

Status:  29,484 words.  Hired an illustrator.  Countless hours developing a website for my editing business- almost ready to publish.