Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Colors of Winter

One of the things that I've enjoyed the most about my career change has been using my creative side more often, especially in a visual way.  And slowing down.  I remember when I was still practicing law, I sat down to paint one weekend and felt very rushed.  I couldn't relax into it.  I just wanted the picture to be done, the painting to be complete.  The mindset of cramming in as many billable hours as possible into each minute just wouldn't let go of me, even on the weekend.

That kind of achievement oriented mindset is important, don't get me wrong.  But so is the ability to slow down, breathe deep, and relax into the moment.  To enjoy life, instead of just moving on quickly to the next thing to check off of your to-do list.

One way I've been slowing down lately is taking pictures of the nature around me.  As you know, I much prefer summer over winter.  But I've found that when I focus on the details around me, I enjoy winter more.  The pattern of the bark on a tree.  The yellow of dried grass.  The deep blue light in the sky as the winter evening fades to an early darkness.

It also made me realize how many more colors there are in winter than I generally give it credit for.  So, as winter nears an end, I decided to put together a little collection of some of my photos here to share with you.  I hope you enjoy!

(c) Amber Byers


  1. So glad to read you're appreciating the subtle colors of the winter palette! Spring and summer's riot of colors and fall's flamboyance demand our attention, but there's a sure and certain art to discerning and appreciating winter's subdued hues. So many different shades of yellow, brown, evergreen, blue, black and white. Winter is a quiet, reflective time for Earth and all of her inhabitants and the colors of winter mirror that. As much as I have learned to appreciate the soft colors of winter and play of shadows, I still am always transfixed by the blazoned days after an ice storm when the sun emerges and turns the landscape into a winter wonderland of sparkling prisms, the shimmering iridescence of sunsets so akin to the inner whorls of seashells viewed in the special light of oceans, and a bluejay in a pine tree against a vivid blue sky. Your seeing and appreciating winter's subtle charm makes my heart sing. Love, Mom

    1. You paint a lot of beautiful pictures with your words - thanks for sharing!
