Thursday, November 17, 2016

The First Snowfall

It's here!  The first snowfall of the year is here!!  Never mind that the sun was trying to convince us that we had entered into an eternal summer with a string of unusually warm November days, capped off with a day that reached 80 degrees yesterday.  Never mind all that.  The snow is here!

The first snowfall of the year is always my favorite.  It is magical, and fills me with the kind of excitement and joy that I felt as a little kid.  I especially love the first snowfalls that give more than just a little dusting.  And that's the kind we're getting today.  The sky clouded over this morning, dense with grey clouds.  Then the temperature dropped, and the first snowflake swirled to the ground.  This snow is the beautiful, puffy kind that floats softly down.  And it just keeps coming, thicker than the inside of a snow globe.

It's the kind of day that makes me want to snuggle up inside with a good book, or just write.  It feels like my house is a warm little cocoon where I can spin tales of enchantment and the belief that anything is possible.  So that is just what I'm going to do!

(c) Amber Byers

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